Friday, April 26, 2013


well the title doesn't mean anything. just wanted to get some attention! It has been two months and i've been missing blogging like crazy so i want to update you guys whether you would like to check it out or want to skip it but let me tell you that upcoming posts will include:


TO BE continued...

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I dont want to be dramatic but it has been 3 years since i started this blog. But day to day it seems like my passion has dimished and my schedule got busier. BUT i never stop taking photos and sharing them!

Now im using tumblr! ---realitymissed--- and instagram---ilaydk--- its hard to post photos on blogspot. So find me on tumblr and instagram and keep following!

If you still seem interested for my posts on this blog, message me so i may consider continuing it